Sunday, November 29, 2009

New LO's

I completed 2 LO's yesterday (Saturday). Andrew, my AWESOME husband, gave me my Christmas present (4GB of memory) early in hopes of speeding up my scrapbooking so that I can go to bed at a decent time. I think it worked because I was able to get so much done. If your computer is really slow and REALLY REALLY slow if you are digital scrapbooking I highly recommend getting more memory. It is like having a brand new computer. Anyhow back to the LOs....I used a kit that will be coming out at Pretty Scrappy called From Our Roots. It is a collab made by all the designers at Pretty Scrappy. It has two parts and is fabulous. So many papers and elements to choose from. On the second LO I used a template by Colie's Corner. A little while ago I asked her if she would make templates with 5 or more pictures since I have 5 kids and generally templates only have 3 or less pictures in it. She totally came through for me and they turned out awesome. She called it Gimmie Five Template set. If you love them you can get it at Gotta Pixel.
Here is my LOs. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for dropping by!