Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We decided to make books for our fathers with our kids' pictures. Usually I just slap our pictures in and don't really think much about it. This year I decided to finally use the Photoshop Elements program I bought a while back and figure out how to digital scrapbook.

I started out by searching on for free digital scrapbook kits and found a lot of great kits that I didn't have to pay a dime for. Granted they are often only available for free for a limited time and/or may require you to sign up to become a member of that site, but it is well worth it. I will list the kits that I have used with each page so that you may check with the designer to see if they are still available for free or for sale for a small fee.

Also, for the layouts I used variations of different sketches by Becky Higgins downloaded from Creating Keepsakes website. If you have never heard of her I am sure you will become a fan when you see how she can help your scrapbooking to become quicker and still stylish. Essentially she gives you layout ideas for a set number of pictures. You can obviously add your own twist and switch it up, but it definitely helps get the creative juices flowing.