Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Goal

So my ultimate goal is to work on a CT (Creative Team) for one or more of my favorite designers. In the meantime I am trying to build my portfolio so that when the call comes I have something to show.

This LO (layout) was made with a Jady Day Studio's Kit called Springdipity. I know I am always saying how much I love this or that, BUT I really honest and truly LOVE HER DESIGNS. Those of you who know me well know that I am cheap...okay, really cheap. If I can get something for free I will and I use it. If I have to buy it...ehhhh. I have and will buy a lot more of her designs. They tend to be bright and fun. You will just need to check out her store. She only sells her designs at Scrap Orchard. Right now they are having a sale and her kits are included!!! Remember though, it ends tomorrow (Thursday).
